Saturday, May 27, 2017

To Infinity and Beyond… -- By Kathy Jaqua

      The idea of limits in mathematics seems to challenge many students when they first encounter it.  The mathematical notation of a limit:
can be intimidating because it is new, unusual, and requires a lot of interpretation just to understand all of the pieces. For basic, beginning limits, in essence there are two possible answers for each of these processes, the limit exists and is a specific value or it doesn’t exist (DNE).  We do make DNE a bit more detailed by allowing the specific case of the limit not existing because it goes to positive or negative infinity to be considered as a special form of does not exist.  With that additional distinction, it creates essentially six possible equations for basic limits if we think about limits involving infinity as having either positive or negative infinity as possibilities and c and k as constants:

      Solving these limit problems for given functions is a common exercise in pre-calculus and beginning calculus courses with a variety of techniques studied for specific types of problems.  Given one of a few types of limit problems, most students learn how to calculate the value of the given expression.  Most students also learn how to identify approximate values based on a graph or on a table of values.  More sophisticated uses of limits, however, show up in many places in higher-level courses that require a deeper understanding of what a limit actually is and what the various pieces of the limit expression represent.  So how can we capture what students understand about the concept and the nomenclature of limits independent of the limited types of problems we examine in pre-calculus and beginning calculus courses?  Mathematical selfies of limits from my Calculus I class revealed more about student understanding of the concept of limits and of the syntax of limit expressions.  Their task in this instance was to create two mathematical selfie, one to illustrate a limit as x goes to a constant and one as x goes to infinity.

Outcome 1:  Selfies mimicking a graphical representation of limits

      It is not a surprise that because mathematical selfies are visual, most students equated them with graphical representations.  Some students created simulations that resembled typical graphs involving vertical or horizontal asymptotes such as the cords positioned to mimic graphs with asymptotes as in photo 1. Others found examples that mimicked graphs in objects around them. Photo 2 shows several of those types of photos. 

        In discussing their photos, students revealed a range of understanding of the concept of limit.  The author of the photos of the cord (photo 1) revealed a somewhat muddled understanding of the idea of limits.  He describes the photo on the left as “The next picture is of a paracord, and it represents a limit as x goes to infinity. It represents that because it goes up which in return creates a vertical asymptote meaning that the line (paracord) goes to infinity.”  This description does not show that he distinguishes the role of x and f(x) in the limit process as both could be seen as going to infinity, but his description really inplies x going to a constant where the asymptote occurs and y going to infinity.  Looking at his comment about the photo on the right (photo 1) convinces me that he does not understand those roles.  “This next picture is also of a paracord and it represents a limit as x goes to a constant. It represents that because it levels off as it goes down making it a constant value.”  In this description he clearly mixes the roles of the x and y coordinates on his imagined graph.  

            In describing the copier shown above (photo 2), the author said, “This photo also illustrates a limit as x approaches infinity, if you look at the part directly above the sticker stating “questions or concerns”. A limit as x approaches infinity means that the function will continually get close to a certain output value (y-value), but will not actually reach that value. This illustrates that because, on an XY graph, this is the shape that would be produced by graphing a limit that approaches infinity.”  He is equating the shape he sees with a shape as an “XY graph”, and he understands the role of the “X” and “Y” coordinates in his example as they relate to the limit process.  He does reveal a bit of a misunderstanding when he implies that the function value can’t become constant in the limit process, but it may just be in reference to the example he is using. He also trips up on the language of limits when he states “a limit that approaches infinity” when he means the limit as x approaches infinity. The author of “Subway Y” (photo 2), on the other hand, confuses the idea of the limit as x goes to a constant with the idea of a limit of a function that is a constant as did the first student with his paracords.  His photo shows the function approaching a constant on the top edge of the curved section of the Y, but he labeled this mathematical selfie as “Limit at a constant”.  The typical language that mathematicians use with limits has not quite been perfected by this student because he continues with the description: “The Subway “Y” represents a limit at a constant because the slope gets closer to zero as it approaches the “peak” or constant.”  He suggests the idea of the limit of the function approaching a constant, but he doesn’t see that as different from the limit at a constant.

            The author of “Christmas tree” and the author of “scissors” (photo 2) both describe the idea of a limit at a constant using the definition of a limit based on left and right hand limits.  For Christmas tree, the author says, “In my picture, the limit is the star, from both sides.”  The author of scissors says “As x travels towards a constant is when a point on a line is checked from both the left and the right side to see if they both travel to the same point. If they do this shows that x does in fact travel to this point. These scissors represent x traveling to a constant by the blades being the line if you travel down both blades they meet at a single point this point represents the constant.”  There is some ambiguity (especially for the scissors) in whether these authors distinguish between the constant that x approaches from each side with the constant that the y value approaches.  Once again there appears to be some confusion, at least in the discussion, of the distinction of a limit at a constant and the limit is a constant.

Outcome 2:  Selfies that don’t depict limits as graphs

      One student authored two mathematical selfies that were more conceptual rather than mimicking a graph.  In these mathematical selfies, he reveals his knowledge of the distinction of the roles of the x and y components in a mathematical limit as well as the general concept of a limit.  The first, a photo of the WCU clock tower (photo 3), reveals this distinction directly:  “when the minute hand (or the x value) approaches the twelve, the hour hand (or y value) approaches the next number on the clock.”  He does note “when a function is shown on a graph, you can see where the points on the graph are that the function intersect. As the line gets closer to a certain point that means that the function is approaching that point.”  So while his point of view is somewhat graphical, he can translate that view into a more conceptual one when he discusses the relationship between the minute hand and the hour hand.  The same author also showed clear understanding of a limit as x goes to infinity.  As part of a robotics project in an engineering course, he created a robot powered by an Arduino board (photo 4).  He describes how this project illustrates the idea of a limit as x goes to infinity in a truly nongraphical way.  “In this picture, you can see a robot that has a set function to drive forward and avoid walls. This is achieved by looping the code on the Arduino board, by doing this the board will constantly look at the code and infinitely run it. At no point will the robot stop moving around unless an outside force has tampered with it.”  His focus on what would happen to the robot if the code ran infinitely is a clear example of the concept of a limit as the input (in this case code based) goes to infinity.   

            Finally, what do all of these mathematical selfies reveal about students’ understanding of the idea of limits?  Based on typical test questions completed during this same class, all of these students (and most of the class) could calculate basic limits using a variety of techniques.  They also could estimate limits based on graphs and tables.  But in the end, their mathematical selfies revealed two details not shown by typical testing.  First, as a class, they had a definite bias towards a graphical understanding, which may reflect my own bias for introducing these ideas in graph format. Second, I have some real questions on how well they truly understood the concept of limits and the roles of inputs and outputs in the process of a limit.  Certainly their tenuous knowledge of typical mathematical language of limits is shown.  Mathematical language is very precise and students often don’t see the crucial difference created by changing one small word.  In their descriptions of their mathematical selfies, students showed confusion between the ideas of limit at a constant and a limit that is a constant.  They would say one and show the other, or they would say them both about the same aspect of the photo.  While I often note lack of precision in students’ language during class discussions, these mathematical selfies allow me to more accurately assess their confusion of these two distinct ideas involving limits.  It also leads me to wonder if they can distinguish among the six different potential limit problem types.  In the end, I am left with more questions to explore with my next class and with several areas to consider as I plan activities, assignments, and assessments.


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